Beauty standards or profit schemes? Why industries tear down your self esteem.

Have you ever wondered why it feels like society is constantly bombarding us with messages and images that we aren’t good enough as we are? One answer to this question is that it allows companies to profit off of our insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. There is constant marketing and advertising making us feel too fat, too skinny, too curvy, not curvy enough, too tall, too short, and overall shitty. Ask yourself who profits from this type of messaging. Companies are trying to sell their products (aka make money) but making you feel inadequate as you are. 

Things you can do to rebel against this:

  • Accept yourself – you are enough as you are, your teeth don’t have to be blindingly white and straight, your hair doesn’t have to be silky smooth, your acne doesn’t have to be concealed with pounds of makeup, you don’t need ozempic to be thinner, your breasts are big enough, your lips are plump enough, you get where I’m going with this…
  • Find beauty in the imperfections – somehow the most beautiful things about a person are what society calls “imperfections.” I’d argue that these “imperfections” are what makes someone unique, special, and lovable. Think about those you love and care about. I’d bet some of their “imperfections” are most memorable and endearing. Here are a few examples: the jagged scar I always kiss on my partner’s shoulder, my friend’s crooked smile, my colleague’s unique laugh with snorts, my partner’s sloppy handwriting, my colleague’s ingrown toenails that we all joke about. I challenge you to use the same lens on yourself. 
  • Stop caring what others think – those who pass judgment are the most insecure of us all…stop caring about what some random Karen is thinking about or has to say. Don’t chose the company of judgmental people (those who gossip are included)